there are many ways to do to compile C/C++ program Avr, for example
IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) like Eclipse, Avr-studio,
Codevision Avr, or any other else out there. but for you having been
familiar with linux, or you have just known about this avr. it will
be better to know how to compile any C/C++ code directly using
commands on a terminal. Here we use an open-source compiler i.e., GNU
avr-gcc compiler.
so, just let's begin how to do it..!
now when we want to compile any code, there must be a code to
compile, right :) so I take a simple case here as to make a led
lighting using atmega8535 MCU (Microcontroller Unit). then make a
circuit like below, here I'm using Proteus simulator.
Figure 1 atmega8535 led Circuitry
then type a program below, here I use Geany text editor, I love to
use it. you can use your favourite text editor here:
#include <avr/io.h>
int main(){
DDRA |= 0x01; //activate A register, the first bit
PORTA |= 0x01; //tassign the HIGH logic to the first bit of A
while(1); //avoid program counter to keep increasing
return 0;
Now, save the program above with main.c name, open the
terminal (ctrl+alt+t), align to directory/folder where we save this
main.c and type these 3
scripts below, one-by-one:
avr-gcc -Wall -Os -mmcu=atmega8535 -DF_CPU=2000000UL -c main.c
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega8535 -o main.out main.o (enter)
avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .flash
main.out main.hex (enter)
we execute the three scripts above, the main.hex
file will be generated (this file is usually called by hex file), and
then drop the hex file onto the MCU on our Proteus simulation by
double clicking the MCU figure on the Proteus simulation, FINISH...
to test just run the simulation.
Figure 2 the hex file and clock setting
For more detail, here is a bit explanation about the three scripts
The compilation process happens on the first line of the 3 scripts:
- -Wall indicates compiler to show warning message when compiling, e.g., if there is unused variable declared.
- -Os indicates compiler to optimized code meaning that, for efficient space usage (at the possible expense of code execution speed).
- -mmcu=atmega8535 tells the compiler to use the type of MCU, in this case atmega8535.
- -DF_CPU=2000000UL tells compiler that the clock speed of MCU is 2MHz, and UL here means the integer type used, Unsigned Long.
- -c indicates compiler to compile and stop - do not do any linking.
the first line of the 3 scripts above will create us an object file, that
is main.o
- The second line of the 3 scripts above is linking process. Note that linking process needs to specify the MCU type, mmcu . Without doing it, compiler will use 8515 processor as default.
- The last line of the 3 scripts above is the process to generate hex file of the program we have made above, by avr-objcopy.
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